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Help & Contact

How can I open a reseller account?


Access to reseller pricing is only available to professionals in the computer field. Only resellers with a real monthly consumption of at least 150 € before tax per month are eligible to receive the micro-computer retailers discount.
Opening a reseller account gives you access to preferential rates and a dedicated space.

To open the account, please send by fax 03 9000 8000 the following:
- A KBIS excerpt
- A letterhead
- The details of the contact person: name, position, phone number and email address.

You will receive an email within 48 hours containing your username and password giving you access to your reseller account.

Also in this category

You need additional information, here are our details for you to contact us :

By mail

9 Route d'Eschau - 67400 Illkirch-Graffenstaden